The current organisational environment is characterised as VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous). As such, it requires new skills from leaders, managers, executives and team members for them to be able to navigate through the market landscape. As described in “my approach” page, change is a given and happens all the time. The important thing for an organisation is to be able to receive the most valuable interventions for its teams and leaders in order for them to have the necessary awareness and tools and receive the necessary support in order to achieve their performance goals. In many occasions, they will need to be able to find new meaning without getting stuck in the “business as usual” paradigm that might be in place across the organisation. Something new can emerge if only we pay special attention to the voices within the organisational field and give them the necessary support to express themselves and let them give us the clues that we need in order to go the next step (as a team or as an organisation).

So what are you offering?

I am offering custom-tailored solutions based on an initial diagnosis/assessment of your personal, team and organisational needs. The solution is not a quick fix but rather a process that the organisation will need to commit itself in order to undergo an evolutionary step into its progress. It might contain training, coaching, performance appraisals and questionnaire gathering for feedback. All these depend on the situation of the organisation and the needs.

What can I expect if I hire you?

Expect some initial meetings where we can discuss your needs, those of your team and those of your organisation. Based on that, a plan and a contract are co-created which might involve team meetings, training, individual or team coaching sessions and tracking of the process and change. And we will be monitoring everything to see how change emerges and intervene in a way that makes the system more aware of itself and how it affects the greater ecosystem as this is vital to the sustainability of an organisation.

If you want a meeting for an initial discussion, please do contact me here.